Moominmamma quotes: Motherly wisdom to live by

Moominmamma brings comfort and care to the rest of the Moomin family. Here are some iconic Moominmamma quotes that bring her nurturing - and rebellious - side alive! Use for Mother’s Day cards, notes to a friend, or just to delight your day.

And besides one gets so tired of everlastingly sitting in the same place.
Finn Family Moomintroll

What a pity mothers can’t go off when they want to and sleep out of doors. Mothers, particularly, could do with it sometimes.
Moominpappa at Sea

But one needs a change sometimes. We take everything too much for granted, including each other.
Moominpappa at Sea

There’s a lot of things one can’t understand, Moominmamma said to herself. But why should everything be exactly as one is used to having it.
Moominsummer Madness

Life is very charming.
Moominland Midwinter

Someone who eats pancakes and jam can’t be so awfully dangerous. You can talk to him.
Finn Family Moomintroll


All nice things are good for you.

The Exploits of Moominpappa

It’s all right now, my dear. You see, I shall always know you whatever happens.
Finn Family Moomintroll

Everything looks worse in the dark, you know.
The Moomins and the Great Flood

That’s where we’re going to live and lead a wonderful life, full of troubles…
Moominpappa at Sea

Moomins loneliness



How orderly life can be. But all these exciting and wonderful events have made me just a little tired. I think I’ll retire now.
Moominsummer Madness

Isn’t it fun when one’s friends get exactly what suits them?
Moominsummer Madness

Everything’s much too big here, thought Moominmamma. Or perhaps I’m too small.
Moominpappa at Sea


How nice to be on your own for a bit and do what you like.

Moominland Midwinter

Save my handbag! Oh, save my handbag!
The Exploits of Moominpappa

It’s strange, Moominmamma thought. Strange that people can be sad, and even angry because life is too easy. But that’s the way it is, I suppose. The only thing to do is to start life afresh.
Moominpappa at Sea

Flee! cried Moominmamma. The police are here! She didn’t know what her Moomintroll had done, but she was convinced that she approved of it.
Moominsummer Madness

There’s danger in the air, Moominmamma shouted back. If we don’t go for a picnic this very instant, anything might happen to us!
Moominpappa at Sea


I’m not washing any dishes today, Moominmamma said hilariously. Who knows, perhaps I’ll never wash
dishes any more?

Moominsummer Madness


All of a sudden the feeling of safety was concentrated on a single point, on the veranda and nowhere else; and on the veranda Moominmamma was sitting, waiting for her family to come home so that she could give them all their evening tea.
Moominpappa at Sea

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