Snufmin – The story of Snufkin and Moomintroll

The Moomin stories introduce fans to a plethora of relationships that can teach a lot about connecting with one another. This article delves into the journey of one iconic friendship: Snufkin and Moomintroll.

The “Moomin ideology” is rooted in connecting with one another and celebrating each other’s uniqueness. More than anything, the stories are known for their beautiful depiction of friendship and love.

One friendship in particular is at the core of the stories from the start – that of Snufkin and Moomintroll.

Moomintroll Snufkin novel


The best friends unite every spring when Snufkin returns to Moominvalley from his travels. Spring is, for this reason, Moomintroll’s favourite season. 

What is Snufmin?

Snufkin and Moomintroll, the ‘besties’ of the Moomin stories, have become such an iconic duo that they have been given a nickname! “Snufmin” is a fan-created acronym for “Snufkin and Moomintroll”. The term has gained popularity amongst Moomin fans around the world in recent years — there are over 11k Instagram posts for #snufmin!

How do Snufkin and Moomintroll meet in the original stories?

Snufkin and Moomintroll meet for the first time in the novel Comet in Moominland (1946). Moomintroll and Sniff embark on an eventful journey towards the Observatory to try and find out how to stop the incoming comet from destroying the world.

They’re sailing when they hear the cheerful sound of a harmonica and see a tent. Out of the tent comes Snufkin:

“Moomintroll caught hold of the rudder and the raft swung towards land. ‘Off with the painter!’ shouted Snufkin, hopping eagerly up and down. ‘Fancy that! What fun! Coming all this way just to see me!’

‘Well – we didn’t exactly,’ began Moomintroll, clambering ashore.

‘Never mind!’ answered Snufkin. ‘The main thing is that you’re here. You’ll stay the night, won’t you?’”

The duo immediately bond over an interest in stars, and it doesn’t take a long dialogue for Moomintroll to be in awe of Snufkin and his wisdom – a dynamic that continues throughout their friendship. 

At the end of the trip, Moomintroll introduces Snufkin to the family as his best friend. 

“And this is Snufkin who is one of the world’s wanderers.”

What is the relationship between Snufkin and Moomintroll?

A popular interpretation of Snufkin and Moomintroll’s bond is that they are in a romantic relationship. Tove Jansson herself had relationships with both men and women, and the Moomin stories are known for their hidden queer themes – “Snufmin” perhaps one of them. The beauty of any art is in the freedom to interpret its messages.

Nevertheless, Snufkin and Moomintroll remain close friends throughout the Moomin stories. 

They share a connection based on mutual values and interests, yet, one that is defined by unequal attachment. Moomintroll wants to feel close to those he loves but it is against Snufkin’s nature to be so attached to someone else.

“You can’t ever be really free if you admire somebody too much, I know.”

– Snufkin in Tales from Moominvalley, 1962

When Snufkin first embarks on his yearly travels, Moomintroll feels depressed and he even uses his one wish from the Hobgoblin to send a part of their meal to Snufkin (originally in the novel Finn Family Moomintroll).

Over time, Moomintroll learns to understand Snufkin and even starts to enjoy some solitude himself. He still tries to ‘play it cool’ and hide his longing from Snufkin, though unsuccessfully.

The relationship between these two characters has been a fan favourite since the beginning, likely because the dynamic is relatable to many. It is a beautiful depiction of one having bigger expectations towards a relationship than the other. 

The 1990s animated series Moomin shows the difficult side of this friendship a little more than the original novels or comics: Moomintroll soothes himself by re-reading Snufkin’s letters and Snufkin feels guilt for not being able to stay.

Iconic Snufkin and Moomintroll moments

Spring arrives in Moominvalley


Whether it’s the books, comics or Moomin TV animations, one of the most heartwarming Snufkin and Moomintroll moments is the arrival of spring. Moomintroll wakes up from hibernation, realises it’s spring and runs outside to look for Snufkin.

The pair meeting at the bridge near the Moominhouse is an iconic representation of their friendship.

Watch the Spring episode of the ‘90s Moomin series here:

Snufkin shares his wisdom

Snufkin is known for his philosophical approach to life. All adaptations of the Moomin stories feature many moments of him sharing his wisdom, often with Moomintroll. The Moomin comics especially depict these moments well.

Snufkin Moomintroll comic
The Conscientous Moomin
Moomin Family Robinson
Snufkin Moomintroll comic
The Conscientous Moomin

Snufkin’s letters to Moomintroll

Every year, before he embarks on his winter travels, Snufkin leaves a letter for Moomintroll. The letters keep Moomintroll company whenever he misses Snufkin. Each new letter is a promise of spring – and their reunion.

Moominland Midwinter (1957)

Moomintroll pricked his ears and listened long. Then he lit the night-light and padded along to the chest of drawers to read Snufkin’s spring letter. It lay, as usual, under the little meerschaum tram, and it was very much like the other spring letters that Snufkin had left behind when he went off to the South each year in October.

It began with the word ‘Cheerio’ in his big round hand. The letter itself was short:


Sleep well. First warm spring day you’ll have me here again. Don’t start the dam building without me.


– Moominland Midwinter (1957)

Psst! The 2024 Moomin’s Day mug, illustrated by Tove Slotte, is inspired by Snufkin’s letter and the promise of spring!

Snufkin and Moomintroll quotes

[Moomintroll:] What is duty really?
[Snufkin:] Doing what you don’t want to.

The Conscientious Moomin comic

“I’m monarch of all I survey. I own the whole earth.”
– Snufkin in Comet in Moominland, 1946

“Cock-a-doodle-doo!” He was so excited he couldn’t think of anything more intelligent.
– Moomintroll in Finn Family Moomintroll, 1948

It’s the right evening for a tune, Snufkin thought. A new tune, one part expectation, two parts spring sadness, and for the rest, just the great delight of walking alone and liking it.
– Snufkin in Tales from Moominvalley, 1962

“Now I’ve got everything. I’ve got the whole year. Winter too. I’m the first Moomin to have lived through an entire year.”
– Moomintroll in Moominland Midwinter, 1957

“The main thing in life is to know your own mind.”
– Snufkin in Moominsummer Madness, 1954

“Isn’t life exciting! Everything can change all of a sudden, and for no reason at all!”
– Moomintroll in Moominpappa at Sea, 1965

“It would be awful if the world exploded. It is so wonderfully splendid.”
– Snufkin in Comet in Moominland, 1946

Snufmin fan favourites

Here is a compilation of what the Moomin Official Instagram community loves about this duo!

Don’t forget to follow your preferred Moomin Official channel to stay up to date with the latest content and news.

“How they are so different yet their love shines the same.”

“They appreciate and respect each other’s differences.”

“I adore the way they explore the world.”

“Snufkin is like the calm rational voice of Moomintroll and his ideas.”

“Their love for each other is stronger than the seasons!”

Snufmin fan quotes

Snufmin fan quotes

Snufmin fan quotes