Moomin’s whistleblowing channel and reporting instructions

Whistleblower Reporting

At Moomin Characters, we uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and transparency in all aspects of our business operations. We believe in fostering an environment where employees, licensees, suppliers, and other stakeholders feel empowered to speak up and report any concerns they may have regarding unethical behaviour, violations of company policies, or any other misconduct that may compromise our values or legal obligations.

We take all reports of misconduct seriously and are committed to thoroughly investigating each report in a fair and impartial manner. To facilitate this process and ensure confidentiality, we have established a whistleblower reporting mechanism. This mechanism allows individuals to report their concerns anonymously if they prefer.

If you become aware of any conduct that you believe violates our Code of Conduct, policies, laws, or regulations, we encourage you to report it promptly. You may do so by using the reporting channels provided below:



All reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with our established procedures and applicable laws. We strictly prohibit retaliation against anyone who makes a report in good faith.

Thank you for your commitment to upholding our values and contributing to a culture of integrity and accountability at Moomin Characters.

Moomin Characters
Salmisaarenranta 7 M, 00180 Helsinki, Finland // +358 9 2311 3200